Pain and Inflammation In Joints
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Pain and Inflammation In Joints

Table of Contents Do you Suffer From Joint Pain? Joint Pain and Inflammation is a condition many people with autoimmune diseases suffer from on a daily basis. Ageing and active people are prone to injury and could benefit from supportive nutrition. Sontal Collagen with 1000 mg Vitamin C PLUS 2000 mg MSM.  SONTAL® Collagen C+MSM…


Calcium & Collagen

Calcium Collagen Combination Benefits There are 2 important reasons why you should use a calcium collagen combination supplement. Let’s take a look at all the benefits. Osteoporosis & Osteopenia, also known as the “silent epidemic” there are usually no visible symptoms. Bone is a living substance comprised of a hard outer shell (Calcium) and spongy…

Kollageen – Vrae & antwoorde
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Kollageen – Vrae & antwoorde

1. WAT IS KOLLAGEEN? Kollageen is ‘n proteïen en bestaan uit aminosure wat ‘n trippel helieks weefsel struktuur vorm. Kollaageen is die belangrikste bestanddeel van veselagtige bindweefsel in die bene, vel en kraakbeen. Kollageen is belangrik in die liggaam, dit verseker die samehorigheid, elastisiteit en herlewing van die vel, kraakbeen en been. Daar is verskillende…